Saturday, August 13, 2011

Guide the setting of complex brand name Google Analytics Advanced segments.

If you only set this complex brand - brand and non-branded keyword segments and multiple branded keywords your brand keywords non-brand keywords you are mirroring is a step-by-step guide.

Used to indicate the number of examples of clients and sub brand I. Pay attention to the difference between and and or statements example. As a developer, I find those nasty little weasel. It is a four-part process.

By adding the right brand keywordsSet brand keywordsSet, custom segments, and segment number maximum custom segment of the non-brand keywordsCheck.

1. Choose the right brand keywords.

Process of setting the brand keywords is one obvious brand name are required for selection of keywords in some more complex situations much subtlety and simplicity. ALH.HR hotel, hotel "Dubrovnik Hotels mirror, non-branded search terms" extracts the names of Dubrovnik hotel "Palace", such as only a part of brand name clients such as a Croatia, Dubrovnik, unique, must use brand keywords as. It's from the list of global brands, hotel name

Adriatic luxury hotels (ALH) hotel DubrovnikHotel Dubrovnik PalaceHotel Bellevue DubrovnikGrand DubrovnikHotel Kompas Hotel Bonavia RijekaVilla Agave

Extract the Excelsior Palace, Bellevue, compass room, Bonavia, Agave terminology. I listed the global brand name ALH adds his name written Adriatic luxury hotels. You must sometimes be based on the intention of trade-offs. You must decide how to classify this as you can to both the Adriatic luxury hotels branded and non branded keywords, to note. My brand to keep it as keyword is reflection of the intention of most alternative and regards to live as a non-branded keywords to use. We have now set to segment our eight brand keywords.

2, Custom segment brand keywords settings

Drop-down for more information access segmentsClick to create new advanced segments in Google Analytics, click every visit...

In the "keyword" searches, boxDrag, on the right hand side box left to drop in to the keywords field of green

2 brand advanced

All branded keywords or statementsAdd and statementSearch [in] drop green in the field right hand-side boxSet conditions match exactlyAdd organic valueAdd and and, left to "medium" statementSearch-boxDrag boxDrag-and-drop right hands side boxSet conditions left-in green in the field matching exactlyAdd CPC to valueName of and setting conditions similar to branded keyword valueAdd containsAdd, click the button segment - brand KeywordsTest test segment segment

It's like something like this:

3. Custom segments non-branded keywords setting.

Drop-down for more information access segmentsClick to create new advanced segments in Google Analytics, click every visit...

In the "keyword" searches, boxDrag, on the right hand side box left to drop in to the keywords field of green

5 non brand advanced 

In the State is not containAdd brand keywords exactlyAdd CPC in valueAdd exactlyAdd valueAdd as all branded keywords and statementsAdd and statementSearch boxDrag-and-drop right hands side of boxSet from the left in green in the field in matching criteria such as statementSearch boxDrag and drop the green field on the right side boxSet conditions that match the left-as "while" organic like, value

It should look something like this.

Segment 4, double check and semantic checks.

Teach them before using the appropriate segment of my experience.

If you create a segment of the above is you this custom segments appears.

To perform sensory checks.

The number of branded keyword count + non-branded keywords to keyword = all.

ALH I a few people looking for a website at Croatia to was because I did not include brand terms Croatia language version didn't add those keywords are found! I back brand Croatia language requirement that was put.

Check the add values in a chart

Move the traffic source, place both segments > search engine. Check whether or not to add them to scan and the number of data points. It is simple.


Sure to fall to your actual keywords, correct bucket.

Move the traffic source, place both segments > keywords. Bucket falls each keyword expected to scan and the number of data points on whether or not to confirm.

9 checking table  

Save the many headaches if you are using a simple check of these three and advanced segments.


Solution might this uses my process brand segment please share in comments. Hard to get my head around this search] to love some tips, and then click.

Note: only, up to 20 could be or OR statements one segment can only with the advanced segment profile per 100 maximum. Optional keyword ", regular expression matching, you can work around these limitations" is there.

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